Thursday, June 19, 2008

RARE HQ scans of various magazines. EXCLUSIVE to KOF!

First, I would like to thank Gavin (Argoman23) for all these AMAZING scans. He sent me loads and loads of scans that I will be posting, but I figure it's time for another rare and exclusive treat for everyone! Again, thank you SO much Gavin for these incredible scans and for always giving KOF such great material from over in the UK!

MTV Access, Issue 12, June 2005

Cosmogirl UK, November 2005

I'll be posting more scans soon. Enjoy!


teemo said...

Best of these I've seen, thanks.

Anonymous said...

The bottom pic is a great one of Kelly! First I've seen it.

Good Job!


secretlovrgrrl said...

omg these are so great! thanks gavin!